Holiday in a Bottle

Nature’s Answer to Stress.

Human milk contains a high concentration of peptides or chains of amino acids. The trypsin hydrolysate decapeptide is one particular sequence of amino acids that is 10 units long and has been shown to possess strong anxiolytic properties. In the infant with an immature digestive system there is only a trace amount of the enzyme pepsin, which normally breaks down long peptide chains. As a result they absorb more of the longer chain molecules including trypsin hydrolysate decapeptide. This may account for additional soothing effect a mother’s milk has on a child beyond simply satisfying the stressful situation of being hungry.

Adults have a high level of the pepsin enzyme and the small amount of trypsin hydrolysate decapeptide found in cow’s milk is rapidly broken down. However, by increasing the ingested amount of the decapeptide through natural supplementation, the capacity of pepsin to break it down is exceeded and a certain amount is absorbed. In this way adults can also experience the anxiolytic effect of this naturally occurring peptide.

Clinical research has demonstrated the effectiveness of this milk peptide as an anxiolytic. One comparative, randomized, double blind controlled study evaluated healthy volunteers according to the Cattell Anxiety Scale under stressful circumstances with and without the consumption of the milk peptide. Subjects had to complete mental tasks, dexterity tests and anxiety questionnaires while being monitored for blood pressure, heart rate, cortisol and ACTH levels. Besides performing better at the tests, those without the milk peptides had significantly higher cortisol and CRH levels, as well as higher blood pressure as compared to those with the peptides.

Other studies have revealed that milk peptides exhibit diazepam-like effects on the stress response and activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. The decapepetides demonstrate partial binding to the GABA receptors, which allows for relaxation without sedation or grogginess.

Milk peptides, not only are clinically effective and are also safe to use with children, adults, those allergic to lactose, and can be combined with any pharmaceutical anti-anxiety or anti-depressant. Take control of your stress by taking a mini-holiday from a bottle.

Secrets to Aging Well

A Glimpse into the Aging Process
There are several proposed theories of aging, all with significant scientific grounding. Our overall heath as we age is not simply a reflection of only one of these processes, but rather a combination of all four changes taking place simultaneously.

Changing Hormones
As we age, the production certain hormones change. Poor lifestyle choices will also adversely alter the production of these hormones This has a great impact on our health and the potential development of diseases.

Insulin – our sugar-controlling and fat storing hormone, naturally increases in production as we age. Not only does this hormone store our food as fat, but directly contributes to increased cholesterol at a rate of 82%. In addition it increases blood pressure, and water retention. If left uncontrolled, prolonged high insulin secretion leads to hypercholesterolemia, heart disease and eventually exhaustion of the pancreas which gives rise to diabetes.

Cortisol – is a stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It is secreted each time our body is stressed, physically or emotionally. As we age, the body naturally increases the production of this hormone. Physiologically, cortisol constricts the blood vessels around the heart, increasing chest pain and heart disease. It also increases the production insulin, leading once again to hypercholesterolemia, obesity and diabetes.

Growth Hormone – is the body’s major anti-aging hormone. It plays a role in the regulation of sleep, libido, weight, energy, cholesterol, hair growth and much more. The production of this hormone decreases as we age, leading to many of the symptoms and diseases associated with aging.

Free Radicalization
Free radicals are active molecules that enter the body through the air we breathe, the food we eat, and other environmental factors. Our own body even creates them during the production of energy from food, by the immune system when killing bacteria and viruses, during inflammation and many other important metabolic functions.

Once inside the body, free radicals bind to the DNA of every cell they contact. At this point, one of two things occurs. If we are lucky, the DNA is destroyed by the free radical, the cell dies, and the body ages more rapidly. If we are not so lucky, the free radical mutates the DNA so that when the cell replicates, it becomes carcinogenic.

Wear and Tear
Living simply makes us older. The more times we move a joint or work a muscle, the more damage is done in that area. There is an increase in stress placed on each body part with use over time. This can produce wear and subsequently inflammation leading to free radicals and further damage. This process occurs in all joints, blood vessels, organs and other tissues in the body.

Decreased Immunity
As we age, the strength of our immune system greatly decreases. The rate of production of immune factors greatly decreases as well. Thus, once our immune system does recognize a foreign body, it does not have the same strength with which to attack it. The body becomes less able to recognize foreign bodies such as bacteria and viruses, allowing them to replicate more frequently and with greater intensity. This results in more aggressive and prolonged infection, which decrease the overall strength and health of the body. Infection is also proving important in the development of many age-related diseases such as stomach ulceration, heart disease and arthritis, indicating a wider role for impaired immunity.

When looking to slow the aging process down, it is not simply about striving to live for 10, 20 or 40 extra years. It is more important to increase the quality of the years lived. By doing this the body will remain in better condition, increase resistance to disease and will therefore look and live longer. However, the goal is not simply to add those extra years. If that were the case, one would just sit quietly and eat very little food. But that is not living well, nor is it aging well.

Detoxification for the Athlete

Drink Up for the Equinox Detox!
Most people mistakenly believe that an athlete’s body is so healthy it would never require any form of detoxification. However, unlike most sedentary individuals, the athlete is breaking down and repairing muscle, creating lactic acid and free radicals from exercise at a high rate, and converting more food into energy, potentially increasing toxic metabolic bi-products. Thus in order to maintain a healthy and clean internal environment, detoxification plays an important role in an athlete’s health and performance.

Detoxification is the process of ridding the body of potentially harmful chemicals, carcinogens and other environmental toxins (i.e., pair pollutants, lactic acid, pesticides) that we intentionally and unintentionally ingest or produce through the body’s normal metabolism. Detoxification should be achieved through both diet and a variety of herbs and supplements that stimulate and support the process. Before starting, however, it is important to know that there are both safe and unsafe ways to detox, and a health care practitioner should be involved in any detoxification program you follow. There are possible side effects including headaches, skin outbreaks nausea and fatigue. Pre-existing conditions such as psorasis, cardiac problems and bowel inflammation, while benefiting in the long run, may also be aggravated.

Most individuals think detoxification programs principally involve fasting. This, however, is not a beneficial way to clean the body. It takes a significant amount of energy for the body to destroy inflamed or damaged cells and replace them with new healthy cells. Energy is also needed to eliminate toxins from the body. Thus, any detoxification program should provide adequate calories in a healthy form.

My Detoxification Diet begins with the exclusion of simple sugars, saturated fats, alcohol, caffeine and foods containing additives and preservatives, which lessens the load on the liver and kidneys (the body’s main detoxification organs). I recommend organic foods to decrease exposure to pesticides and exogenous hormones. Foods such as lemons, beets, carrots and artichokes stimulate the cleansing process in the liver so these can be increased – for example, start your day with hot water and lemon instead of coffee.

Protein plays a key role in the detoxification process, as it is essential for cell manufacture and repair, enzyme production and liver regeneration. The average athlete should consume only clean, low fat, high quality proteins all year long, but this is even more improtant during a detox. Choose lean organic protein sources such as fish, egg whites, turkey, chicken, protein shakes, and soy/tofu as your main protein sources. 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day (up to 1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for endurance atlhetes or body builders) is needed. Thus an 80kg individual would need 80-112g protein per day divided between meals. Eat fresh greens, vegetables and fruits in a comparable amount to protein as these foods provide low glycaemic carbohydrate with high levels of fiber to help bowel function during the detoxification process. They also contain minerals and vitamins beneficial to the program. When eating salad, use vinaigrettes or lemon juice with spices not creamy (fat-laden) dressings. Use only brown rice as an alternate carbohydrate source. Eliminate white, refined foods, and other mixed grain products. Drink two to three litres of water a day to help flush toxins from the body. Taking warm baths with Epsom salts can help draw toxins out of the skin.

I recommend several herbs to aid the detoxification process, but it is important to consult a health professional before taking any of these. Milk Thistle or Silymarin marianum helps to protect the healthy cells in the liver from free radical damage or inflammmation (caused by toxins), stimulates regeneration of new healthy cells and aids the body in mopping up toxins. It also helps to increase the content of glutathione, the body’s major anti-oxidant substrate. This herb has no adverse side effects, though it may loosen stools slightly as it increases bile flow.

Tumeric or Curcuma longa protects the liver from incoming toxins through its potent anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It has a particular affinity for the liver, and therefore is used in most detoxification programs. Like milk thistle, this herb may soften stools due to the increase in bile flow. In fact, tumeric has been shown to increase the production of bile by over 100%, making it a powerful aid to toxin excretion. If there is any indication of bile duct occlusion this herb should not be administered

Dandelion or Taraxacum officinalis is beneficial for both the kidneys and the liver. Although its mechanism is not thoroughly understood, dandelion has diuretic properties (to flush out toxins) with potassium sparing effects, which most diuretics do not have. It also protects against kidney stones. Dandelion may have some adverse reactions in some people. Contact dermatitis has been seen when the herb is used in fresh form rather than dried.

Burdock, otherwise known as Arctium lappa, was traditionally used as a blood purifier and diuretic. It is high in fructo-oligo-saccharides or FOS, that increase the beneficial bifidobacteria and eliminate the bacterial pathogens that can build up in the gut. In addition, burdock increases saliva and bile secretions to help break down, bind and excrete toxins from the body.

Fibre and Bentonite Clay are both used to help remove toxins and excess fats from within the bowel. During a detoxification program the toxin load on the bowel is increased considerably so, to ensure that they are eliminated and not simply “dumped” in the gut, fibers and/or binding clays can be used to help attract, mop up and eliminate the toxins directly. Beneficial fibers such as psyllium or inulin are available in powder or capsule form. Bentonite clay can be added to the fiber complexes for added attracting and binding qualities.

Just remember, you service, tune up and clean out your car on a regular basis to extend its longevity, your body is no different! And the athlete, like a high performance sports car needs extra attention!